Anna Maria Di Tolla

Anna Maria Di Tolla is Full Professor of African languages, literatures and history at the University of Naples L’Orientale (UniOr). She holds PhD in African Studies and her teachings and research focuses on Amazigh oral literature, linguistic documentation of Amazigh variants, Ibadi Studies and Amazigh Contemporary History. She has published 4 monographs, 13 curated works, she is co-author of 5 volumes and in the last ten years 25 articles. Her numerous publications have been accompanied by a constant presence in the research field. AMD is editor at the Journal: Amazigh Studies. She is President of Centre of Amazigh Studies at UniOr. She has been Visiting Professor at European and Maghreb universities. She is a disciplinary expert for ANVUR (Italy) and for HCERES-France. She has been coordinator of a master’s degree Course and coordinates at L’Orientale numerous international agreements, including the Tethys (International Consortium-AMU). She won grant the Fund for the Financing of Fundamental Research Activities (FFABR), and for basic research RSA, and has gained experience as a collaborator or coordinator in national and international research projects. She has organized and participated in international conferences across European, Maghreb, Japanese and Brazilian universities.